Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Mask is Slowly Coming Off

Well I just got back in touch with my violin teacher, and will hopefully begin next week on Monday or Tuesday with my violin lessons. I'm looking forward to this because it means I will get better, and have guidance for a good direction to go in my learning of my most treasured thing. I cannot wait to begin, because with direction I will get better a lot faster, and hopefully within a year or two get started with the bulk of my major. I am working to become a High School or Middle School Orchestra (not band, screw that) director, and I will work my hardest on it.

Starting next semester will be the group piano, which will be fun, learning piano was something I was always interested in. Well now I have an excuse to learn it, because it is required for my major to graduate.

On the subject of transition, I also need to get in contact with my electrolysist, so that I may get that started again as well. I cannot await the day that I no longer grow hair on my upper lip and jawline, then I won't have to worry about it anymore. The faster this happens the faster I will be feasibly be able to go Part or Full Time as myself, as the woman I am, in daily life. I haven't determined which one I am going to try for yet, but either way when the time comes, I will be the woman I have always dreamed of being physically along with the mentally I am used to.

The mask is slowly coming off....

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